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The Tongue Therapist

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

The focus of myofunctional therapy is to achieve these five goals: constant nasal breathing, constant lip seal, proper tongue posture at rest, proper tongue movement while swallowing. This is achieved by utilizing targeted exercises for the muscles of the face, lips, tongue and soft palate to strengthen and coordinate the muscles and retrain your body’s subconscious habits.

Breathing is the basis of life, every cell in your body is reliant on oxygen to function, and HOW you are breathing makes a big difference. Nasal breathing is far superior to mouth breathing and leads to better oxygen absorption, alleviates allergies, lessens sleep disordered breathing, lowers risk for chronic dieases and promotes proper facial growth.

Your tongue placement and movements when chewing, swallowing, and at rest plays a key role in how your facial bones and dental arches develop. Proper tongue posture early on in life can alleviate the need for palatal expanders or even braces as a whole.

Myofunctional therapy optimizes the basic elements of life, eating and breathing, in order to naturally remedy many chronic, underlying issues.

Learn More

10 ways to tell if your child suffers from myofunctional disorders



How improper tongue posture and breathing effects your sleep… And your partner’s.