Completely online and personalized just for you.

Our therapy programs are completely unique and interactive. You’ll be able to complete your whole therapy program from the comfort of your own home without losing any of the personalized care. From the initial evaluation process, we’ll send you any needed materials for you to take and upload your photos. As you progress into your therapy program, our client site allows for an interactive experience where you can follow along with videos of your exercises and get valuable feedback outside of meeting times.

  • I will send you all the materials you need to take high quality consult photos that we will review together on a live 60-90 minute meeting to allow us to create a plan unique to your needs. Button to start the evaluation process below.

  • In the evaluation process we will discuss the number of live sessions that would be best for your situation. You can then sign up for your myofunctional therapy program. When you sign up you get full access to the client site to follow along with videos of your assigned exercises, upload videos for feedback, track progress with biweekly check-in reports, and get indefinite access to exclusive educational content and tips. Link below to sign up.

  • Get your therapy kit in the mail and begin getting into your exercise routine! Learn valuable skills to improve your tongue posture, breathing, sleep quality, chewing and swallowing. Use your client site to continue learning and manage your live appointment times.

Steps of Virtual Myofunctional Therapy

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