Benefits of Therapy…

Better Sleep.

Straighter Teeth.

Less Jaw Pain.

Less Allergies.

More Energy.

Improved Health.


Purpose of Myofunctional Therapy

  • Myofunctional therapy is used to correct dysfunction in the habits of the mouth and tongue.

  • Common dysfunctions are mouth breathing, mouth open when resting, tongue thrust when swallowing, tongue resting low in the mouth.

  • These dysfunctions can lead to other habits that are more noticeable, look out for:

    • Nail biting

    • Lip biting

    • Constant chapped lips

    • Teeth grinding or clenching

    • Pencil chewing

    • Snoring

    • Sucking habits

    • Sticking the tongue out

    • Needing beverages with meals

Proper breathing is the ultimate focus.

  • Tongue thrusts, low tongue posture, mouth breathing, clenching and grinding are all issues that point to a larger problem… disordered breathing.

  • Breathing is what keeps your body alive, and your body is designed for breathing through the nose.

  • The mouth is a secondary route to breathe as a survival tool only- it’s just not as effective.

  • Breathing through the nose leads to more oxygen delivery, filtration of allergens and bacteria, and better sleep.

Purchase an Evaluation Today to get started!