10 ways to tell if your child suffers from myofunctional disorders

Early intervention is essential in order to get the best outcomes from myofunctional therapy, knowing what to look for can help you identify these issues early on. There are many signs that are seen as “normal” but are actually warning signs for airway or tongue issues.

  1. Resting or sleeping with mouth open

  2. Resting with tongue out or between teeth

  3. Grinding teeth

  4. Red eye circles

  5. Crowded teeth

  6. Chronic dry lips

  7. ADHD like symptoms

  8. Frequent ear infections

  9. Difficulty with nursing as an infant

  10. Difficulty with sound pronunciation

If your child has suffered one or more of these issues discuss it with your childs dentist, orthodontist, or reach out to a myofunctional therapist!


How improper tongue posture and breathing effects your sleep… And your partner’s.