Benefits of Therapy…
Better Sleep.
Straighter Teeth.
Less Jaw Pain.
Less Allergies.
More Energy.
Improved Health.
Purpose of Myofunctional Therapy
Myofunctional therapy is used to correct dysfunction in the habits of the mouth and tongue.
Common dysfunctions are mouth breathing, mouth open when resting, tongue thrust when swallowing, tongue resting low in the mouth.
These dysfunctions can lead to other habits that are more noticeable, look out for:
Nail biting
Lip biting
Constant chapped lips
Teeth grinding or clenching
Pencil chewing
Sucking habits
Sticking the tongue out
Needing beverages with meals
Proper breathing is the ultimate focus.
Tongue thrusts, low tongue posture, mouth breathing, clenching and grinding are all issues that point to a larger problem… disordered breathing.
Breathing is what keeps your body alive, and your body is designed for breathing through the nose.
The mouth is a secondary route to breathe as a survival tool only- it’s just not as effective.
Breathing through the nose leads to more oxygen delivery, filtration of allergens and bacteria, and better sleep.