Tongue Ties
What is a tongue-tie?
The official term for a tongue-tie is ankyloglossia. This is a condition where the the tongue is tethered too tight to the floor of the mouth by a band of tissue. Tongue-ties can vary in the level of severity and affect each individual differently. Tongue-ties can effect breastfeeding, eating, speaking, facial and dental formation, and can cause or contribute to TMJ issues and sleep disordered breathing.
Can myofunctional therapy help?
Myofunctional therapy is critical in strengthening and building coordination of the muscles of the mouth both before and after having tongue-tie release (known as a frenectomy or frenuloplasty depending on the type of release). Myofunctional therapy alone cannot treat a tongue-tie because it is a physical restraint that must be released, but is instrumental in the success and outcomes of treatment.
Can I do a shorter program just for a tongue-tie release?
I don’t offer shortened programs specific to tongue-tie releases because I believe in comprehensive care. Tongue-ties can lead to the development of mouth breathing or improper tongue posture habits that a shortened program is not adequate to address.
What is fascia and how does it play a role?
Fascia is the thin connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, organ and nerve in the body. There is a continuous line of connected fascia from your tongue to your toes and the tension created by the pull of a tethered tongue can cause tension throughout your body. See the video below from The Breathe Institute of the difference noticed by a professional dancer in how her body feels.