The Tongue Therapist's Guide to Oral Function
Everything you need to know about proper oral function, nasal breathing and the effects on whole body health to be able to advocate for yours, your child’s, or your patient’s health.
Everything you need to know about proper oral function, nasal breathing and the effects on whole body health to be able to advocate for yours, your child’s, or your patient’s health.
Everything you need to know about proper oral function, nasal breathing and the effects on whole body health to be able to advocate for yours, your child’s, or your patient’s health.
This guide covers:
Orofacial Anatomy Basics
Form Follows Function Explanation
What Is Myofunctional Therapy
Correct Tongue Posture
Constant Lip Seal
Nose Breathing
Oral Preparation Phase of Swallow
Eliminating Muscle Compensations
Noxious Oral Habits
Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs)
Implications of TOTs
When Form is Compromised
Oral-tie Releases
Palatal Expansion
Other Airway Obstructions
The Whole Body Connection
Nervous System Regulation
Sleep Disordered Breathing
ADHD, Anxiety & Depression
Clenching, Grinding and TMJD
Postural Alignment
Actionable Steps
In-Office Screener
At-Home Screening Checklist
Finding Providers Tool
Better Breathing Tips